It's time to

get your Lead Magnet &

Email List Setup Fast.

Funnel Breezy QuickStart includes everything you need to get your lead magnet

and email list setup FAST!


Are you ready

to get your Lead Magnet & Email List Setup Fast?

Funnel Breezy QuickStart includes everything you need to get your lead magnet and email list setup FAST! Plus, I've giving you 3 incredible bonuses that make signing up a no brainer!

Unlock everything you need to be to get your Lead Magnet & Email List setup for ONLY $27.


You feel like you've tried everything to create a freebie and start your email list.

You've probably said something similar to this:

  • You might have tried some "FREE" email tools that left you more confused than ever.

  • Or... you might have tried to create a freebie - but no one has signed up and your list hasn't grown.

  • Or... you couldn't even get passed the point of "what the heck do I create as a freebie part".

Getting your Email List & Lead Magnet setup should be simple and easy.

What if getting your email list & Lead Magnet setup could be simple and easy?

With Funnel Breezy QuickStart, you'll have everything you need to:

Create a Stunning Opt-in Page that gets you sign ups.

All the landing page templates, email copy and automations are already done for you.

Grow your email list with the right leads on auto-pilot.

Access to two incredible trainings that will have the right people finally signing up for your email list.

Ditch the stress of trying to figure it all out on your own.

Full support from our Funnel Breezy team along with Onboarding and training to help you get there effortlessly.

Kind words from current members.



The opt-in pages, the email templates and the automations, all pre-built to get your lead magnet

and email list up and running in record time.

I've included everything you need to get your Lead Magnet (Freebie) up and running in NO TIME.

I've included everything you need to get your Lead Magnet (Freebie) up and running in NO TIME.

The opt-in page, the email templates and the automation, all pre-built to get your lead magnet

& email list up and running in record time.


Canva Lead Magnet Templates

Start off by making sure your Lead Magnet (or Freebie) looks great with our professionally designed Lead Magnet Templates.


Pre-Built Opt-in Page Templates

Easily capture leads and grow your email list using the pre-designed Opt-in page and thank you page templates. No wasted time creating from scratch.


Pre-Built Automations

and Emails

You won't be stuck trying to figure out the steps to deliver your freebie to your new subscriber. From the sign up form, to the automated delivery, to the pre-written emails - it's already all setup for you!


We're totally committed to your success...

We've included everything you'll need to streamline your online business with ease and hold your hand every step of the way.


24/7 Chat Support

No waiting days or hours for support, our tech team is there for you via chat 24/7.


Live Weekly Tech Calls

Get your all your tech questions answered live on Zoom with our weekly live tech calls.


Lead Magnet Setup Training

We don't just give you all the templates, we also give you the training to set it up effortlessly.


I don't want your email list stress holding you back anymore, so I'm going to make this a no-brainer for you.

Instead... I want you to feel like Elaine.

I could be charging a lot more for this (and I probably should be...)

But I don't want price to be a factor between you seeing email list success and not seeing success.

Which is why I’m basically giving away over $1,000 of value.

Which is why you can get instant access to everything for only $27/month!

Ready to get rid of your email list stress? 2024 can be the year you finally take your email list to the next level!


  • 2 Opt-in Page Templates (Valued at $297)

  • Canva Lead Magnet Templates (Valued at $97)

  • Pre-Built Lead Magnet & Nurture Sequence Automations (Valued at $297)

  • Free ticket to the "How to get people to actually sign up for your Freebie." workshop (Valued at $197)

  • Pre-written Lead Magnet Delivery Emails (Valued at $97)

  • Pre-written Nurture Sequence Emails (Valued at $397)

  • Free Double Your Email List Training (Valued at $197)

  • Full Funnel Breezy Team Support (Valued at $Priceless)

Total Value = $1,579




If you're not happy after signing up and trying Funnel Breezy QuickStart, we'll refund you your first payment.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with this program within 30 days of signing up, we will gladly refund every penny you paid for it.

We're soo confident that you'll have your lead magnet and email list setup in no time, you'll never want to stop using Funnel Breezy to grow and manage your list.


Read what fellow Course Name students have said about

their experience inside the program...

Their big callout testimonial will go here.

Your testimonial will go here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.


Their big callout testimonial will go here.

Your testimonial will go here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.


Their big callout testimonial will go here.

Your testimonial will go here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.



I'm Tasha DaCosta

I started Funnel Breezy with the dream of simplifying tech for female coaches and service providers.

I was sick and tired of watching my colleagues and clients struggle to get their tech working for them.

So... I decided it was time to make a platform available that had everything they needed for success and also supported the heck out of them along the way.

This is your invitation to ditch the overwhelm, get your lead magnet done and finally start growing your email list with ease.

You've got Q's? We've got A's.

How much does Funnel Breezy QuickStart Cost and will I be locked into a contract?

The cost is $27 USD per month. There are no contracts and you can cancel anytime. 

Please note that any funnels created within Funnel Breezy cannot be exported.

What kind of support does Funnel Breezy offer?

You will received 24/7 chat support which is typically responded to in under 5 minutes.

You will also receive access to our live bi-weekly tech calls to ask questions.

Funnel Breezy also comes with access to our entire training library to walk you through all of the FB tech.

We've got you covered.

How many contacts can I have?

You can have unlimited contacts within your Funnel Breezy QuickStart plan. You are given a $5/month credit on your account for emails and SMS messages which gives you about 5000 email sends or 500 SMS sends.

The cost is $5 for another 5000 emails sends or 500 SMS sends if you go over the allotted credit given.

Can I upgrade to the full version of Funnel Breezy at any time?

Yes! When you're ready for everything that Funnel Breezy has to offer - like sales funnels, checkout pages, invoicing, courses, memberships, communities, calendars and scheduling etc.. you can simply upgrade and instantly access all of the features.

Do I need an email address?

Ideally you will have your own branded email address through a service like Google workspace so that you can communicate with your clients from your own email provider.

This is different than sending out newsletters and automated emails from Funnel Breezy. You'll be able to use the default sending domain through Funnel Breezy - but we're also happy to help you setup your own email domain through your domain name registrar.

We get that this might sound complicated - the good news is that it's actually not - and the even better news is that we're happy to actually set it up for you. (Yes, we're pretty awesome at helping you).

Do I need a domain name?

We will need you to have a domain name so that you can connect your opt-in page (freebie sign up page) with your domain.

There's no need to stress about how to do this, as we'll work with you to connect your subdomain for you. (Think -

We also give you the video walk throughs though in case you're tech savvy and want to handle it on your own! :)

Are there additional costs that I should know about?

If you surpass the granted $5 monthly credit for email and SMS sends, the additional costs is about $5/5,000 emails after that. 

Additional SMS sends are billed at about $5/500 SMS messages.

Which platform is Funnel Breezy created on?

We have white labelled (purchased the rights) to re-brand and sell our own version of the GoHighLevel platform.

This includes templates, automations and workflows that we have specifically designed to help you be more successful as a coach or service provider.

It also include the personalized tech support from our team.

Ready to get rid of your email list stress? 2024 can be the year you finally take your email list to the next level!


  • 2 Lead Magnet Opt-in Page Templates (Valued at $297)

  • Canva Lead Magnet Templates (Valued at $97)

  • Pre-Built Lead Magnet & Nurture Sequence Automations (Valued at $297)

  • Free ticket to the "How to get people to actually sign up for your Freebie." workshop (Valued at $197)

  • Pre-written Lead Magnet Delivery Emails (Valued at $97)

  • Pre-written Nurture Sequence Emails (Valued at $397)

  • Free Double Your Email List Training (Valued at $197)

  • Full Funnel Breezy Team Support (Valued at $Priceless)

Total Value = $1,579



If you've still got questions for us or want to chat, please email us anytime! We'd love the chance to chat further, no pressure, we promise.

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